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Monday, February 28, 2011

Population Control

I'm not really sure why they consider British Bulldogs as attack dogs...

Population Control; Meet Puppy Control: Shanghai Passes One- Dog Law
by Christi Choi (
You've heard of China's one-child policy, but have you heard of the one-dog policy?
AFP reports rampant barking, unscooped poop, and the growing risk of dog attacks means the law will be just one pooch per family in the city of Shanghai. Starting May 15, it will also be illegal to own attack dogs (bye bye British Bulldogs), and dog owners must hand over their pets' puppies to government-approved adoption agencies before the pups reach three months.
Of course, NewsFeed predicts the wily citizens will find a way around this latest restriction.


Be not afraid of going slowly... afraid only of standing still (Chinese Proverb)

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*photo taken from

We invite everyone to send us the cutest pictures of your pets. Include their name, age and gender. To do so, access our email by clicking "CUDDLY Team" (About Me section) found at the right side of the page.  

La Belle Epoch

Cuddly was there to witness and join in the fun at Hobbes and Landes' La Belle Epoch at Bonifacio High Street last Sunday, February 27 2011. Pets and their owners strutted their stuff to the delight of kids and adults alike. Here are some pictures from the event.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dog waste composting

Interesting alternative on how to dispose of dog waste. You can find the address to the actual website I got it from below. Enjoy.

Image taken from:

 Help your dog become a composter

( -- Long before I was dispelling eco-advice, I worked as a dog walker while in graduate school, and one of my charges was a Great Dane -- so I know how big a task cleaning up after your pooch can be. Pooches produce an average of 274 pounds of waste a year. (I'm guessing that amount is doubled for bigger dogs like Great Danes.)
You can technically compost dog waste but treat it like you would human waste while backwoods camping: Bury it in the ground -- and bury it deep.
Do not mix dog waste with food scraps and other organic waste that you compost in the worm bin. Dog waste, as you might know, can contain hard-to-kill, disease-carrying pathogens, so you don't want it mixing with your normal compost-to-fertilizer mix. If you fertilize edible plants with the stuff, you're putting yourself at serious risk.
MNN: How to build a compost bin with reclaimed wood
You'll want to bury your dog's waste in a somewhat remote area of your backyard, far away from any veggie gardens and also a good distance from streams, wells and other water sources, since there is the risk that it can contaminate groundwater supplies.
The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) recommends checking your water table before you bury pet poop. The NRDC recommends digging ditches at least 5 inches deep, but I've read elsewhere that it should be at least a foot to keep curious critters away. Also, in lieu of some kind of shovel, you can scoop with a corn-based biodegradable pet waste bag and chuck it in the ditch. All in all, it's an easy process as long as you select an appropriate site.
And here's another option: the Doggie Dooley, an in-ground pet waste disposal system that functions like a mini septic system for dogs. It costs less than $100 and could be a wise investment if all that ditch-digging gets tiring.
MNN: Share composting duties with your neighbor
However you ultimately decide to dispose of your dog's poop, please make sure that you clean it up as soon as it hits the ground, whether in your backyard, in the park, or on the streets of your neighborhood. If you don't, those parasitic unsavories like E.coli and Giardia (aka Beaver Fever) before might get washed away and enter local water supplies.
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Which dog food do you prefer?

Choosing the right dog food is one of the most crucial decisions a pet owner makes. With so many brands in the market (from holistic diets, dry/ wet dog food, etc.), which brand or type do you give your babies and why?

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Watch out for the premiere Pet Lifestyle Magazine in the country. Send us photos of your pets and tell us the difference and happiness they bring to your life. Cuddly Magazine is currently looking for contributing photographers and writers who share our passion in making pets truly a part of our families.